Xojo License Keygen

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Xojo License Keygen

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From Xojo Documentation

Creates a local variable or local array with the name and size (in the case of an array) and data type specified. A variable declared with the Static statement and assigned a value retains its value from one invocation of the method to the next. In contrast, variables declared with the Var statement are completely local to the method and are destroyed when each invocation of the method goes out of scope.

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The Static statement has two syntaxes:

StaticvariableName [,variableNameN] As [ New ] dataType [= InitialValue]

Xojo License Keygen Software

variableNameVariable nameThe name of the new variable.
variableNameNVariable nameOptional. The names of other variables you wish to create with the same data type.

Each name should be separated with a comma.

dataTypeData type nameThe data type of the variable.
InitialValueSame type as dataTypeInitial value for variableName. If the datatype is an object that requires instantiation via the New operator, you can do that instead of assigning an initial value.

StaticarrayName(size [,sizeN]) AsdataType

arrayNameVariable nameThe name of the new array.
sizeIntegerThe size (number of elements) for the array. Arrays are zero-based.
sizeNIntegerOptional. The size of the next dimension of the array if you are creating a multi-dimensional array.
dataTypeData type nameThe data type of the array.


A Static variable is equivalent to a local variable declared by the Var statement but its value is retained between several calls of the method it is declared in. Also, all the instances of a given class share the same static values.

Whenever you assign an initial value to a static variable using the equal sign, the assignment will occur only once when the method is called for the very first time.

For example, if you want a serial number to be generated, i.e. a method with always returns a new increasing value, the simplest is to use a static value as:

Function SerialNumber() AsInteger
Static currentSerialNumber Asinteger = 0
currentSerialNumber = currentSerialNumber + 1// Increment the value
Return currentSerialNumber // Return the value
End Function

You can also use Static to cache a value which takes time to get so you can improve the performance of your code:

Computed Property MyCachedProperty
// Inside the Get part
Static theProperty AsString = AMethodWhichTakesSomeTime() // This will be executed only the first time
Return theProperty
End Get

Sample Code

This example uses the Static statement to create an integer variable called 'age' and assigns it the value 33.

This example uses the Static statement to create two string variables.

Static FirstName, LastName AsString

This example uses the Static statement to create an array called aNames with 11 elements (remember, arrays have a zero element).

This example uses the Static statement to create an array called aNames with one element.

Static aNames(0) AsString

See Also

Append, Insert, Redim, Remove, Sort, Sortwith methods; UBound function; Collection, Dictionary classes; Var statement.

Retrieved from 'http://docs.xojo.com/index.php?title=Static&oldid=68596'

Xojo 2017r1 v17.1.1 | MacOSX | 692.7 MB


Xojo is a cross-platform software development tool that enables developers of all backgrounds to create software for OS X, Windows, Linux, the Web, and soon, mobile. With users all over the world, Xojo apps can be found in every conceivable category – from commercial software applications to use in governments, universities, businesses, and the Fortune 500. Secondary-level and college students in schools all over the world are introduced to programming with Xojo.

Create Anything
With built-in support for graphics, database servers, internet protocols and more, you can build just about anything you can imagine with Xojo. Using Xojo, you can make commercial software products, utilities to help make your life easier, or even learn to program. In fact, Xojo itself is a Xojo app!

Build Apps 10x Faster
You can use one set of source code to support multiple platforms and there are over 40 user interface controls built in, allowing your app to look and behave how you’d want it to on any platform. On the web you can use one powerful language to create your web app instead of HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, or AJAX, saving you tons of development time!


Modern Development
Xojo is a modern, object-oriented language. It supports inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism and is strongly-typed as well. There are thousands of differences in OS API calls and Xojo abstracts you from these details, dramatically reducing development time and allowing you to focus on what makes your application unique.

Native, Cross-Platform
Xojo apps don’t have an interpreter or virtual machine – they’re compiled to machine code for fast execution and the protection of your intellectual property. Xojo uses native controls so your app looks and feels right on each platform. Development is cross-platform as well. Create your project on your favorite OS and then build it for any platform Xojo supports.

Xojo 2017r1.1 Release Notes
Bug Fixes:
Crashes & Assertions » IDE Unhandled Exception – IDE no longer generates an exception when reloading certain state data in iOS projects.
Crashes & Assertions » IDE Unhandled Exception – Navigating to “build” step then to another item and moving back no longer causes an exception.
IDE » Layout Editor – Duplicating an instance of a container control no longer creates an invalid control set. Controls sets of containers are not supported on desktop or iOS projects.

New Items:
IDE » Scripting – Line number toggle works in IDE scripts.


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System Requirements:
– macOS Sierra 10.12.x
– OS X El Capitan 10.11.x
– OS X Yosemite 10.10.5
– OS X Mavericks 10.9.5
– OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.52
– OS X Lion 10.7.52
– OS X 10.7 and 10.8 support is deprecated.

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