Dhana Arudha

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Jaimini emphasizes 12 Arudhas: Lagna Arudha, Dhana-arudha, Vikram-arudha etc. One for each Bhava. Arudhas are to be determined as follows: Note where the lord of the ascendant stands and count as many signs from this Rasi as the ascendant lord is removed from the ascendant. (1)The Rasi so got is Arudha or Pada or Lagna Arudha.

  1. Dhana Arudha Movie
  2. Dhana Arudha Dan
  3. Dhana Arudha Ya
  4. Dhana Arudha Yoga
Dhana arudha yaBy Pt. Sanjay Rath

Counting from Leo to Aries, we will have 9. Count 9 signs from Aries and we get Sagittarius. This is the Bhava Arudham for the 2nd bhava which is called 'Dhana padam'. In this way, we will have 12 padams starting from Ascendant till 12th bhava. Lagna Arudha or Lagna padam, 2. Dhana Arudha or Dhana padam, 3. Vikramaarudha or Bhratru padam, 4. Jothishi adhomukhi. Jothishi 2nd House of Wealth A traditional horoscope is divided into 12 houses and each house forms a 120 degree.

Indu Lagna also known as Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant. This is a special ascendant, which is derived through calculating cumulative position of ninth house from Ascendant/Lagna and the Moon. It has very calculation, you have to just see lord of 9th house from lagna and moon, just add values assigned to them and divide by 12. Arudha means an image of an object as perceived by others. However, what one may see may not be the reality, but can be an illusion in a deeper sense. An Arudha refers to the physical manifestation.

Arudha Lagna - The Personal image
  1. Arudha lagna (AL) is the image of a person (or any body) which is the reflection of the ascendant about the lord of the ascendant. The ascendant is the physical personality & intelligence while the ascendant lord is the applied intelligence (Paka lagna). The arudha shows the way we are viewed in this world due to our overall personality and resources as well as due to its use and modifications.

  2. There are arudha for each of the twelve houses and they represent the images that exist in our minds. For example, the arudha of the fourth house represents the home environment at childhood. If this is in a sign of Venus then it indicates a strong presence of mother and her family in shaping childhood.

  3. The arudha lagna represents the final record of all events of ones life that form the image of the person. This implies images of other houses adding to the image of AL. Impact of darapada (A7) is crucial for relationships, finances and social success.

Planets & the arudha lagna
Moon is the significator of AL.
Planets like Moon & Jupiter who have a good reputation associating with arudha lagna protect the reputation and image while planets like Saturn & Rahu with a bad name spoil the image.
In general the relationship of planets with the Moon determines their ability to influence the arudha in a good or bad manner.
The status of the arudha lagna lord is the status of the native. Planets exalted in the arudha lagna or the 7th from it promise reputation and success in their fields as well as consequent good fortune.
Debilitated planets in arudha ruin the image.
Benefic planets in the 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 & 8 houses and malefic planets in 3 & 6 houses give good results if they are strong in rasi & navamsa. Instead if the planets are weak in debility in the rasi or navamsa, the results will be contrary. On the other hand, weak benefic planets in the 3 & 6 houses from arudha lagna give rajayoga.
The tenth house is good for benefic planets only and even exalted malefic planets in this house cause trouble.
Any planet in the 9th house from arudha lagna gives good results and protects the image while they give good income in the 11th house and losses and expenses in the 12th.
Birth family & arudha
Further reading
Co-born: Younger co-born from 3rd house & lord and elders from 11th house and lord.
Children from the 9th house from Upapada
Protector from the 9th house from arudha lagna¦and so on.
Transits & arudha
Transit of Saturn in the 1st, 4th, 8th & 10th houses from lagna and arudha are inauspicious.
Transit of Jupiter in quadrants from arudha lagna is a blessing.Dhana Arudha
Transit of Rahu in trines to arudha lagna gives rajayoga and material blessings while that of Ketu in trines is excellent for spiritual pursuits and renunciation.
The Sun & Moon in trines to any arudha causes it to manifest
Change of image with time
  1. The image or arudha is maya or untruth and cannot be permanent. It changes with time based on dasa.

  2. Every dasa affects the arudha by (1) house placement from it and (2) argala (planetary intervention)

  3. Narayana dasa, Vimsottari dasa and other such methods of progression are useful tools to decipher the changes in image.

  4. Natural years of carakaraka replacement also cause major changes in the arudha.

  5. Change in jobs, attainment of position and authority, marriage and various other events cause changes in the image depending on the association of their respective images with the arudha lagna.

  6. Study dasa from standard texts.

Meaning & Concept of Arudha
  1. Rasi/Bhava Arudha
    • Mirror image i.e. image of person in this world is his Arudha Lagna, Image of mother is A4, Father is A9 and so on.
    • How do these images intervene with his image?
      Argala & Virodhargala

  2. Graha Arudha
    • Image of other people

    Arudha Pada of the various houses
    • Riders (a)Swasthe Daraha, (b) Sutasthe Janma

    • Rules for dual Lordship

    Graha Arudha of Various houses
    • Rules for dual lordship shall apply
    • Many like my grandfather used both Graha Arudha

1. Bhava Arudha – 1st house: Arudha Lagna, Lagna Pada, Pada – AL, 2nd house: Dhana Pada; etc. till Upapada –UL,
2. Graha Arudha –Ravi pada, Chandra pada, Guru Meena pada etc.. are used in the nadi literature. What do they mean?
3. How to draw the Rasi & Graha Arudha Chakra?
· Rasi Arudha Chakra has true Graha positions. Thus it is the interaction of the images of his personal self and others close to him with the world. It shows how the world perceives you and how the world around you shall react to what you do.
· Graha Arudha Chakra has true Bhava positions. Thus it is the interaction of the images of the various people as perceived by the native on himself. It shows how you perceive the world around you and how you will react to the various environmental inputs.
Focus on Rasi arudha Chakra REsults

Dhana1. Results of planets in different houses from AL:
· Generally benefics in 1,2,4,5,7,8,10, and malefics in 3,6 & 12 indicate Rajyoga.
· Reverse shall occur when these planets are debilitated in Navamsa i.e. Vipareeta Rajyoga/neecha Yoga can occur.
· All planets, and even an Upagraha is beneficial in the ninth and shows prosperity and protection. It should be used for protecting your image.
· All planets in 11 show sources on income & in 12 show sources of expenditure.
· Malefics in 6 show corruption while benefics show honest income.
· Moon is the Karaka for AL.

Dhana Arudha Movie

· Planets in 7 & 12 show those who shall oppose you/ cheat you at home
2. Results of planets in different houses from Upapada.
· Just like the above, but the sun is Karaka and is always beneficial to UL.
· Exalted planets in UL, show spouse from a well known family; if debilitated reverse holds good; if none then the lord of UL shall show the status of spouse’s family.

Best Wishes
Sanjay Rath

Arudha pada is one of the very important concepts of individual (or any other entity). Even though this is clearly Jyotisha Shastra, which deals with the image of the described by Maharishi Parashara in the chapter padadhyaya and upapadahyaya and also narrated by Maharishi Jaimini in Jaimini sutras, they are not widely used by main stream astrologers. This article strives to demystify the concepts and predictive value of the same, so that it can be understood and used by the astrologers to fine tune their predictions.

Calculation of Bhavapada
The pada of Lagna corresponds to the sign, arrived at by counting so many Signs from Lagna Lord, as he is away from the Lagna. Similarly padas for other Bhavas be known through their Lords. The word “pada” exclusively denotes the pada for Lagna. (BPHS 29.1 – 29.3)

The arudha (Pada Lagna) of the Ascendant (and other signs) is the sign obtained by counting as many signs from the Lord as it has progressed from the ascendant (or other sign). (JS 1.1.30)

The pada of the lagna (or lagna pada or Arudha lagna) is arrived at by counting the lagna lord from the lagna first and then counting as many signs from the lagna lord. This can be equated to a mirror and image of an object; where lagna lord is the mirror here, lagna is the object and lagna pada is the image of the lagna. Thus, Arudha of a house is the image of the house against the lord of the house.

The same Bhava or the 7th from it does not become its pada. When the pada falls in the same Bhava, the 10th there from be treated, as its pada. Similarly, when the 7th becomes the pada of a Bhava, the
4th from the original Bhava in question be treated, as its pada. If the ruler of a Bhava be in the 4th from the Bhava, then the very Bhava occupied be noted, as the Pada. (BPHS 29.4 – 29.5)

If the Lord of sign is in the fourth from it, the fourth house becomes the Arudha. (JS 1.1.31)

If the Lord of a sign is in the seventh from it, then the tenth house becomes the Arudha. (JS 1.1.32)

Since the image and the real object cannot be the same, similarly the arudha of a house cannot fall in the house itself. Here 7th house from the concerned house is also considered to be as real as the concerned house itself; hence the arudha cannot fall in the 7th house also. Thus, whenever the Arudha pada of a sign falls in the sign itself or the 7th

Calculation of Grahapada
Note the position of a Graha and see how many Signs away is its own Sign with reference to its position. Count so many Signs from the above said own Sign and the resultant Sign will become the Arudha of the Graha. If a Graha owns two Signs, or, if a Sign is owned by two Grahas; consider the stronger and declare effects accordingly (BPHS 29.6- 29.7).

Like bhava pada is found by finding the image of the bhava against the bhava lord, the graha pada is found by finding the image of the graha against its sign. Thus count the number of signs from the Graha to its sign, and then count as many signs from the concerned sign.

Dhana Arudha Dan

Arudha Lagna vs. Finances
If the 11th from Lagnapada is occupied, or aspected by planets, the native will be happy and rich. If a benefic is related to the eleventh from the Lagnapada, the wealth will come through various fair means; however a malefic will confer wealth through questionable means. If both benefics and malefics influence the eleventh, then sometimes the gains are from fair means and sometimes from questionable means or it can be both means simultaneously, based on the strength of the planets to confer results (with regards to the strength, we can use the sthana-bala of the planet). If the planet in consideration is in exaltation, mulatrikona, own sign or friendly sign, there will be plenty of gains and plenty of happiness, commensurating the strength of the planets so placed. (BPHS 29.8
– 29.11)

A planet influencing the eleventh house (from lagnapada) is the harbinger of prosperity (and indicates the sources of enrichment/ wealth). Benefics influencing the 11th indicate gains through righteous means or legally acceptable methods. Malefics influencing the 11th indicate gains through questionable and illegal means. Exaltation, own sign placement etc. of the planet influencing should be considered. (JS 1.3.2- JS 1.3.5)

If a malefic planet aspecting/conjoining the eleventh (from Arudha lagna) simultaneously joins/aspect the sixth house, the income is surely from questionable means. The sources of such income have been indicated by Jaimini in subsequent verses. However, the sign and aspects should also be considered. Similarly, inferences can be made from the lord of eleventh house from Arudha lagna.

11th house is known as Labha bhava or the house of gains. If there are th from the sign, then the final arudha is arrived by counting 10 signs planets placed in or aspecting the 11th from Arudha Lagna, the native from the intermediate arudha.
Names of the 12 Arudhas are
1. Lagnapada
2. Dhanapada
3. Vikramapada
4. Matrpada/ Sukhapada
5. Mantrapada/ Putrapada
6. Rogapada/ Shatrupada
7. Darapada/ Kalatrapada
8. Maranapada/ Mrtyupada
9. Pitrpada
10. Karmapada/ Rajyapada
11. Labhapada
12. Vyayapada

Calculation of Grahapada

Note the position of a Graha and see how many Signs away is its own sign with reference to its position. Count so many Signs from the said own sign and the resultant Sign will become the Arudha of the raha. If a Graha owns two Signs, or, if a Sign is owned by two Grahas; consider the stronger and declare effects accordingly (BPHS 29.6- 29.7).

Like bhava pada is found by finding the image of the bhava against the bhava lord, the graha pada is found by finding the image of the graha against its sign. Thus count the number of signs from the Graha to its sign and then count as many signs from the concerned sign.

Arudha Lagna vs. Finances
If the 11th from Lagnapada is occupied, or aspected by planets, the native will be happy and rich. If a benefic is related to the eleventh from the Lagnapada, the wealth will come through various fair means; however a malefic will confer wealth through questionable means. If both benefics and malefics influence the eleventh, then sometimes the gains are from fair means and sometimes from questionable means or it can be both means simultaneously, based on the strength of the planets to confer results (with regards to the strength, we can use the sthana-bala of the planet). If the planet in consideration is in exaltation, mulatrikona, own sign or friendly sign, there will be plenty of gains and plenty of happiness, commiserating the strength of the planets so placed. (BPHS 29.8 – 29.11)

Dhana Arudha Ya

A planet influencing 1 the eleventh house (from lagnapada) is the harbinger of prosperity (and indicates the sources of enrichment/ wealth). Benefics influencing the 11th indicate gains through righteous means or legally acceptable methods. Malefics influencing the 11th indicate gains through questionable and illegal means. Exaltation, own sign placement etc. of the planet influencing should be considered. (JS 1.3.2- JS 1.3.5)

If a malefic planet aspecting/conjoining the eleventh (from Arudha lagna) simultaneously joins/aspect the sixth house, the income is surely from questionable means. The sources of such income have been indicated by Jaimini in subsequent verses. However, the sign and aspects should also be considered. Similarly, inferences can be made from the lord of eleventh house from Arudha lagna.

11th house is known as Labha bhava or the house of gains. If there are planets placed in or aspecting the 11th from Arudha Lagna, the native shall gain from the sources indicated by those planets. Thus if benefics aspect or associate with the 11th house from the arudha lagna, the gains shall from benefic means, while malefics influencing such house shall show gains from questionable means. The strength of planets influencing the 11th shall be in increasing order of lordship –>aspect –> placement.

The source of income shall be indicated in following ways:
1. The natural significations of the planets such as Jupiter related to priesthood, consulting, advising etc. Venus with things related to sea, gems, beauty items etc.
2. The relationship signified by the planets. Thus, if Sun is placed in the 11th from arudha lagna, the native shall gain from the govt., father etc.
3. The relationships signified by the movable significations (chara karakatva) of the planets. Thus, if darakaraka is placed in the 11th from AL, there can be gains from wife or partnership.
4. Upagrahas can also influence the source of income. Thus Gulika’s or Mandi’s placement can show gain from poisonous materials etc.
5. Placement of other arudha padas show gains due to influence of the things related to such arudha padas.

If the planet is exalted or debilitated, a high level of income is indicated; if in own sign above average income; if in friendly signs, average income and in inimical signs, below average income.

If a malefic planet aspecting/conjoining the eleventh (from Arudha Lagna) simultaneously joins/aspect the sixth house, the income is surely from questionable means. The sources of such income have been indicated by Jaimini in subsequent verses. However, the sign and aspects should also be considered. Similarly, inferences can be made from the lord of eleventh house from Arudha Lagna.

Dhana Arudha Yoga

If the 12th from Lagnapada is not aspected, as the 11th from Lagna Pada receives a Drishti from a Graha, then the gains will be uninterrupted (BPHS 29.12)

12th house is the house of losses or Vyaya bhava. It shows the nature of expenses. If there are more planets influencing the 12th house either by placement or aspect or lordship, than 11th house, the house of gains, then the expenditure shall be more than the income. However, if more planets influence the 11th, as compared to 12th, income shall be more than expenditure and there shall be saving.

Astakavarga can also be studied in this context, if there are more rekhas in the 11th house than 12th house in sarvastakavarga, the gains shall be higher than expenses.

Quantum of gains

The quantum of gains will correspond to the number of Grahas placed in the 11th from the Lagnapada aspect 11th from the Lagnapada.

If there is Argala for the said 11th, there will be more gains, while a benefic Argala will bring still more gains. If the said benefic causing Argala is in his exaltation Sign, the gains will be still higher. If the said 11th receives a Drishti from a benefic from Lagna, the 9th etc., gains will increase in the ascending order. In all these cases, the 12th from the Lagnapada should simultaneously be free from malefic association. A benefic, placed in Lagna, giving a Drishti to the 11th from Arudha Lagna will be still beneficial. If the Drishti is from the 9th from Lagna, it will confer much more gains. (BPHS 29.13 – 29.15)

The quantum of gains can be seen from the number of planets influencing the 11th house from Lagnapada. The influence could be due to placement, aspect or argala. There are two more considerations to this; which are houses from where the planets are aspecting or having argala and the dignity of the influencing planets. If the planets aspecting or giving argala on the 11th from Lagnapada are placed in the Lagna or the 9th house (from lagna), the gains shall be substantially higher. Similarly, if the influencing planets are placed in either exaltation, mulatrikona or own sign or friendly sign, the gains are higher too. Thus the proportion of the quantum can be understood by studying the houses involved as well as the dignity of the influencing planets.

This is to note that the aspecting planets as well as the argala causing planet shall bring the houses (from Lagna) it is placed in also into the picture and they (the houses) shall also influence the source of gains.

If the 12th from Lagna Pada receives a Drishti from, or is in conjunction with both benefics and malefics, there will be abundant earnings, but plenty of expenses. The benefic will cause through fair means, malefic through unfair means and mixed Grahas through both fair and unfair means. (BPHS 29.16 – 29.17)

Planets conjoining or aspecting the twelfth house from Arudha lagna cause losses and expenses. (JS 1.3.6)

The sources of expenses can be shown by the 12th from the lagna pada. The planets which show different sources of income while influencing the 11th from lagna pada shall show sources of expenditure while placed in the 12th.

If the 12th from Lagna Pada is conjunct Sun, Venus or Rahu, there will be loss of wealth through the king. Moon, giving a Drishti to the trio mentioned above, will specifically cause more such losses. If Mercury is in the 12th from Lagna Pada and is yuti with, or receives a Drishti from a benefic, there will be expenses through paternal relatives. A malefic so related to the said Mercury will cause loss of wealth through disputes. If Jupiter is in the 12th from Lagna Pada, receiving a Drishti from others, the expenses will be through taxes. If Saturn is in the 12th from Lagna Pada along with Mars and receives a Drishti from others, the expenses will be through one’s co-born. (BPHS 29.18 – 29.21)

The Sun, Rahu & Venus influencing the twelfth house show losses/expenses due to the king. (JS 1.3.7)

The king in today’s context should imply Government, and top politicians in power if it is the Sun. Government action like penalty payments; fines etc are indicated by Rahu. Venus indicates expenses on entertainment etc of middle & lower level bureaucrats.

If the Moon also aspects the twelfth house (with the Sun, Venus or Rahu) these losses are sure to accrue. (JS 1.3.8)

The lunar aspect/conjunction of the twelfth from Arudha lagna will cause trouble from the ‘king’ provided either one or more of the Sun, Venus or Rahu also aspects/conjoins the twelfth house.

Jupiter aspecting or conjoining the twelfth shows expenses on account of taxes, tolls etc. (JS 1.3.9)

Mars and/or Saturn aspecting (or conjoining) the twelfth shows losses through younger and /or elder brothers (or co-borns) respectively. (JS 1.3.10)

Mercury aspecting or conjoining the twelfth indicates losses through litigations or due to cousins and other relatives. (JS 1.3.11)

Dhana arudha meaning

In these slokas, maharishi Parashara gives the sources of expenses by various planets. In no way this list is comprehensive and the learned astrologers need to use their knowledge of planetary significations to know the possible sources of expenses. However this list serves as a guideline. The sources of expenses indicated by various planets are as follows:

Sun, Venus or Rahu: Losses through king (govt. fines or penalties). The aspect of Moon on this combination confirms this. It should be noted that even if one planet among Sun, Venus or Rahu is placed in the 12th aspected by Moon, the native has to pay heavy fines to the govt.

Mercury represents relatives (paternal) and presence of Mercury in the 12th can indicate losses due to paternal relatives; however if such Mercury is afflicted by malefics, then the person can lose money due to court cases and disputes. This is to note here that, if malefics afflict the planets in the 12th, the expenditure shall be due to some troubles, where the native is forced to spend, whereas aspect of benefics shall make the nature of expenditure something benevolent.

Jupiter is the karaka for wealth and if it is placed in the 12th (or otherwise influence) then the source shall be due to payments of taxes. Even though payment of taxes is a regular feature for most nations; in such cases, this would mean that the native has to pay exorbitantly heavy taxes. Mars and Saturn rules one younger or elder co-borns and influence of these planets show expenses due to younger or elder co-borns.

Thus in these slokas, Maharishi Parashara not only gave the indications on the nature of expensed related to different planets, he also indicated that:

1. The sources can be seen from the natural significations of the planets.
2. Aspect of benefics shows milder forms of expenses whereas aspect of malefics shows harsher forms of expenses.
3. The relations shown by the planets can contribute to the sources of expenses such as Sun- father, Moon- mother, Mars- younger siblings etc.

Whatever sources of expenses are indicated above with reference to the 12th from Lagna Pada, gains through similar sources will occur, if Labh Bhava so features with reference to Lagna Pada. (BPHS 29.22)

The sources of expenses (indicated in Stanza 1.3.7. to 1.3.11) will indicate the sources of gains if the concerned planets are in the eleventh house. (JS 1.3.12)

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