How Software Utilities Can Improve Performance

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Avast anti virus

Advanced System Optimizer. Advanced System Optimizer is one of the most trusted and widely. Device Manager can be used for increasing the read and write speed of a drive. Enabling write caching on the Device Manager allows your computer to save data in a cache before transfering to your hard drive. Saving data to the cache is much faster for your CPU than saving to a hard drive. As a result, your hard drive performance improves as well.

Avast anti virus improves the performance of your PC by getting rid of harmful files that could possibly be slowing down your PC. it also prevents downloads that could harm your PC. It also prevents spy ware which can lead to spam which can slow your PC down allot and become time consuming. The real benefit is that it stops viruses and keeps your PC healthy.

You can defrag your computer using the software utility called defraggler. This software will guarantee your hard drives clean-up and tidying hence improve your operating systems performance. Sam needs to defragment his computer because if he doesn’t then his computer will clutter and form a load of useless. P3-Explain the purpose of different software utilities and D1-Explain how software utilities can improve the performance of computer systems ( ) Courses, modules, and textbooks for your search.


Ccleaner increases the lifetime and speed of your PC it gives you instant boost and performance. It does this by removing junk files which will save you more space. It will also clean out the registry. But using Ccleaner is not enough on it own you should also Defrag your computer.



Fragmentation is what makes your hard disk do extra unnecessary work that can slow down your PC. This also includes storage devices such as a USB’s as they can become fragmented. When you Defrag your PC it rearranges fragmented data so the disk drives work more efficiently. This process runs on a schedule but you can also analyze and Defrag your self manually.

How Software Utilities Can Improve Performance Skills


A firewall is a program that acts as a form of barrier to keep destructive things out of your computer or network. Fire walls have one purpose to stop viruses or other harmful software and to also maintain the computer. It also prevents unauthorized access. So firewalls act as a filter between your computer or network usage and the internet.

What happens to PC’s that are not maintained

How Software Utilities Can Improve Performance Improvement

If you do not maintain you PC with programs such as Defrag and CC cleaner then your computer will slowdown allot. Because defrag straightens out your hard drive allowing the needle to read the hard drive much faster and speed up the loading time. also cc cleaner removes unwanted programs such as things running in the background slowing down your processor and making things longer to load. If your pc is not maintained it will not have a long life but if you consistently maintain it will survive much longer as parts such as processors will not burn out as fast.


Firewalls can be used in a number of ways to add security to your home or business. Large corporations often have very complex firewalls in place to protect their extensive networks; it protects your computer from hackers and malicious software by monitoring its connection ports and blocking unauthorised intrusions. Firewalls track and control communications, deciding whether to allow, reject or encrypt communications.

A firewall indirectly improves the performance of your computer by not allowing Trojans, viruses and other forms of malware onto the computer. Firewall software works silently in the background, monitoring incoming and outgoing Internet and network traffic. Like all programs, it integrates with your computer’s central processor and uses system memory.

Antivirus software

Antivirus software is a type of program that is used to prevent, detect and eliminate malware such as viruses and worms by having this software it will make your computer run faster with no problems and it will stops viruses before it causes a lot of problems like taking all of your data, taking your important data and making you buy a new computer. It will make your computer better by removing and deleting flies what are not important to release more space for other important flies.

How software utilities can improve performance improvementUtilities

Utilities Sector Stock Performance

How Software Utilities Can Improve Performance

Clean-up utility

A Clean-up utility is a computer maintenance utility to free up disk space on a computer’s hard drive. The utility first searches and analyses the hard drive for files that are no longer of any use, and then removes the unnecessary will speed up your computer and make your comparer load up flies and programmes faster

How Software Utilities Can Improve Performance Enhancing


How Software Utilities Can Improve Performance Quality

Defrag is when the process of locating the non-contiguous fragments of data into which a computer file may be divided as it is stored on a hard disk, and rearranging the fragments and restoring them into fewer fragments or into the whole file we do this because it boost are computer performance in lots of different ways For Example, it will make your computer faster to load things up and faster to start up, your computer will have more speed and better for gaming.

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